Nursing home services secured in West Argyll and Bute


Nursing home services will continue to be available in West Argyll and Bute, following an exceptional step by health and social care services, supported by the council.

No alcohol in pregnancy is the best and safest choice


The Highland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership along with NHS Highland are raising awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) throughout September.

NHS Highland confirms Public Holiday on 19 September 2022


The Scottish Government have confirmed that the state funeral of Her Majesty the Queen on Monday 19 September 2022 will be recognised as an exceptional bank holiday.

Statement from Argyll and Bute IJB and HSCP


Sarah Compton-Bishop, Chair of Argyll and Bute Integration Joint Board (IJB); Amanda Hampsey, Vice Chair; and Fiona Davies, Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Chief Officer have issued a joint statement on behalf of IJB members and the HSCP.

Iomradh bho Bhòrd Slàinte na Gàidhealtachd


Tha Boyd Robasdan, Cathraiche NHS na Gàidhealtachd agus Pam Dudek, Àrd-oifigear NHS na Gàidhealtachd, air an aithris a leanas fhoillseachadh:

Statement from NHS Highland


NHS Highland Chair, Boyd Robertson, and Chief Executive, Pam Dudek, have issued the following statement.

Midwifery course opportunity for registered nurses


Registered nurses in the UK are being offered the opportunity to apply for a Postgraduate Course in Midwifery being run by Napier University in Edinburgh.

Patient Hub continues to move forward


The Patient Hub system continues to be implemented in NHS Highland with Dermatology becoming the second department to go live.
