Today (Wednesday 31 August) marks International Overdose Awareness Day.
This is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember those who have sadly died and acknowledge the grief of the family and friends left behind.
The campaign also reminds us that overdose is preventable. September is National Recovery Month which aims to raise awareness and hope of recovery.
Eve MacLeod, Health Improvement Specialist with NHS Highland said: "It’s important for everyone to be overdose aware; we can make a contribution and help prevent drug deaths. One way everyone can do this is to download the Highland Overdose Prevention and Engagement (HOPE) app.
"The free app contains information on how to recognise an overdose, and what do to in an overdose situation.
"Recognising an overdose can be difficult. If you aren’t sure, it is best to treat the situation like an overdose — you could save a life. Call 999 immediately.
"Use Naloxone, if it’s available. Do not leave the person alone. Signs of an overdose may include:
- Small, constricted “pinpoint pupils”
- Falling asleep or loss of consciousness
- Slow, weak, or no breathing
- Snoring, choking or gurgling sounds
- Limp body
- Cold and/or clammy skin
- Discoloured skin (especially in lips and nails)
"Naloxone is a medicine that can reverse an overdose from opioid drugs, like heroin. Is it easy to use, and details of how to get Naloxone are in the HOPE app."
To support International Overdose Awareness Day and Recovery Month Highland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership have organised awareness raising messages to be shared on Moray Firth Radio, and Highland Alcohol and Drug Advice and Support Service (HADASS) have organised for Ness Bridge to be lit up in purple, the colour of Recovery Month.
Debbie Stewart, Highland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership Co-ordinator said: "Preventing overdose and reducing drug related deaths is a priority and there are a range of initiatives currently underway in Highland.
"These include; a naloxone programme that will include peer distribution, an overdose alert system with the ambulance service, medication assisted treatment standards, targeting those at higher risk through Housing First, multi-agency prevention and review groups and overdose awareness routinely offered to those accessing Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services.
"Nevertheless, we recognise more needs to be done and we will be working closely at both a local and national level to do everything possible to prevent overdose and reduce drug deaths in Highland."
The HOPE app is available on: