Reablement is an Occupational Therapy led service across Argyll and Bute, providing wide ranging support options to patients within the community and at their homes.
Megan Cunningham is a Specialist Occupational Therapist and Reablement Lead at
Mid Argyll Community Hospital and Integrated Care Centre in Lochgilphead.
Since qualifying as an Occupational Therapist in 2013, Megan has worked both in Dunoon and Lochgilphead and became Reablement Lead in 2019 for Mid Argyll.
Reablement is an Occupational Therapy led service across Argyll and Bute, providing wide ranging support options to patients within the community and at their homes. It’s designed to help patients gain or regain their confidence and necessary skills to live independently after an illness, deterioration in health or injury. Support is usually provided for up to 6 weeks and is tailored to individual needs.
Patients are encouraged to set and achieve goals with the support of the reablement team. The team in Mid Argyll includes occupational therapists, physiotherapists and health care support workers, and is supported by community nurses, social workers and pharmacists.
Working together alongside patients and their families, the service aims to provide effective intervention for all our patients receiving reablement within our community.
Megan Cunningham said: “Working with patients and the reablement team in Mid Argyll is extremely rewarding. I really enjoy supporting patients to set their goals and then achieve them, while they grow to be as independent as possible. We’re continuing to develop our reablement service in Mid Argyll to achieve positive outcomes for patients.”
Joanne Gray, Team Lead Occupational Therapist and leading the Reablement Project across the HSCP, said: “The reablement team at Mid Argyll Community Hospital and Integrated Care Centre work very hard, providing a patient led approach. This tailored approach allows the patient to take control of their recovery, supported by a great team.”