Thurso’s Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) will reopen next month after a period of closure due to staff supporting the COVID Assessment Centre in Wick, and some staffing shortages.
The minor injuries unit, which is based at Dunbar Hospital, will reopen on 06 June between the hours of 08:00 and 17:00 allowing unscheduled care, via NHS24 or pre-arranged elsewhere, to take place during these hours.
Sarah Budge, Frailty Practitioner at Dunbar Hospital, said: “I’m pleased that we will soon be able to reopen the MIU at Dunbar. The ongoing pandemic, as well as our staffing challenges, did result in the closure being longer than we originally planned for.
“This is part of a planned phased reopening as we continue to recruit. Provision of an MIU is part of the Caithness redesign plans and it is good to see the unit reopening.”
If you think you need to visit a Minor Injuries Unit, you should call NHS24 on 111. NHS24 can help you get the right care in the right place, they are available day or night. By calling 111 first the triage process will ensure you are directed to the right level of care for your needs which will also help keep our services safe.
If it is a life threatening emergency, such as a heart attack or a stroke, you should phone 999.