In-person services and locations
Lists and exact locations of hospitals, A&E departments, care homes, GP and dental practices, sexual health clinics, pharmacies and opticians in NHS Highland.
In-person services and locations
Accident and Emergency (A&E)
Accident and Emergency (A&E) and Minor Injuries Units (MIU) in NHS Highland.
Care homes and day care
Care homes and day care services managed by NHS Highland in the Highland HSCP area.
Dental practices
Dentists (dental practitioners) in NHS Highland.
GP practices
GPs (general medical practitioners) in NHS Highland.
General and community hospitals in the NHS Highland area.
Opticians in NHS Highland - also known as optometrists, or community optometry practices.
Community pharmacies (chemists) in NHS Highland.
Sexual health clinics
Sexual health clinics in NHS Highland.
Your services
All Services A-Z
A listing of clinical and related health services at NHS Highland.
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Know Who To Turn To
Know how to get the right care, in the right place.
Near Me
NHS Highland offers Near Me video appointments.
Related services and accessibility
Ways to help you access your services. Related services for patients and public.