You don’t have to become a marathon runner or hit the gym four times a week - unless you want to, of course. Any form and amount of physical activity and body movement is better than none. It helps prevent or improve a whole range of physical health conditions. It can help with stress, mood, anxiety and how you feel about yourself. And it can be a great way to connect with other people.
Physical activity
On this page
Some people say that enjoying being physically active may be the greatest single thing you can do for your health.
Get up, get dressed, get moving
End PJ paralysis with the help of The Broons!
Read The Broons - Get Up, Get Dressed, Get Moving leaflet (pdf, February 2024).
Links in the document are to:
- Paths for All - Strength and balance on Health Walks
- Right Decisions - Managing medicines for patients and carers
- Age UK - Promoting Health and Wellbeing in Later Life
- The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy - Public and patient
- NHS inform - Strength and balance exercises
- Falls Assistant- Preventing falls, keeping mobile
- Moving Medicine - Physical activity (pdf, 2021)
See also:

Increasing movement and activity
There are general recommendations that will help to keep us in the best health, but the important thing is for everyone to find realistic ways to increase their activity and movement and improve all aspects of their health.
Ideally, you should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on at least five days of the week. This is something that makes you feel a bit warmer, raises your heart rate a bit and makes you breathe a little harder. Also try to fit in a couple of sessions each week that build your muscle strength and things that practice your balance. Any activity that helps to improve or maintain your physical fitness as well as your health in general is good.
What would be the best for you? Are you more likely to be motivated with others around you? Or do you prefer to use physical activity to get a bit of time for yourself? For some people the best kind of physical activity is something that they can fit into everyday routine: like walking or cycling all or part of everyday journeys or getting stuck into housework.
If your job is mostly sedentary, that’s something to look out for – even if you are active outside work. Try to break up your day with any little bits of physical movement.
Feeling good outdoors
Intuitively, we know that getting outside in the fresh air and having contact with nature is good for us. And it's true - more and more studies and research conclude that spending time in good quality outdoor spaces has benefits for all aspects of our health.
Even starting by simply looking at nature, then just being outside, and on to any number of activities outdoor environment brings extra benefits for our health and wellbeing.
Most people have some kind of outdoor space with some nature close to where they live, work or go to school. It requires minimal specialist equipment to access it. Going for a walk, having a picnic or simply sitting to watch a sunset are examples of activities that can help to make you feel good.
Making use of our outdoor places can help guard against key health issues such as depression and heart disease. It can also be fun. It can connect people to nature and to each other. It energises and inspires us in our day to day lives.
Think Health Think Nature is the public name for the Highland Green Health Partnership. In 2018, this was chosen to be 1 of 4 pilot areas in Scotland to take forward the Scottish Government's strategy: Our Natural Health Service. Led by Scottish Natural Heritage, this supports more people to experience the health and wellbeing benefits of the outdoor environment.
What is the single best thing we can do for our health?
From Dr Mike Evans, 23 and 1/2 hours.