Money worries
Resources for people facing worries about money.

Worrying About Money? guides and leaflets
The Highland and Argyll and Bute Worrying About Money? cash first referral leaflets are co-designed locally with the Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN). They are an easy-to-use resource both for people facing money worries and support workers. The step-by-step guides identify which local agencies are best placed to help people maximise income and access any existing financial entitlements.
Visit IFAN’s website to to see what local support is available, and access downloadable pdf versions of the leaflet:
The leaflets are available in the following languages:
- Dari (Highland only)
- Ukrainian
- Polish
- Arabic
- Gaelic
They are also available in:
- Easy Read
- Audio format (Highland only)
Worrying About Money? mobile app
NHS Highland has developed a mobile app to provide financial support for anyone with money worries.
The Worrying About Money? (WAM) app is free to download, and is available from:
The WAM app signposts to a wide variety of support networks in the Highland HSCP area (not Argyll and Bute) for people who are worried about their finances.
It was developed by Faff Digital for NHS Highland, in partnership with the Independent Food Aid Network.
Since it launched in February 2023, the app has been accessed by hundreds of users, with many returning to use the app more than once.