Infant feeding
On this page
Within NHS Highland we are committed to supporting you in your choice to feed your baby.
How you choose to feed your baby is one of the first decisions you will need to make as a new parent. This is a very personal decision and does not need to be made until baby is born. However, breastfeeding your baby does have protective factors and long term health benefits for both you and your baby. NHS Highland is here to support you, whichever way you choose to feed our baby:

Who are we?
We provide many services and also ensure staff have the training and skills to support you on your feeding journey. We are a small team who are managed within the Public Health Directorate.
Karen Mackay is the Infant Feeding Lead with a remit across the whole NHS Highland area:
Other staff
- breastfeeding coordinator - supports training and manages volunteer peer supporters.
- 2 breastfeeding coordinators within Raigmore Hospital
- infant feeding support workers in Highland area
- Easter Ross
- Mid Ross
- Inverness
- Raigmore Maternity unit
- Lochaber
- infant feeding support workers in Argyll and Bute area
- Oban
- Dunoon and Cowal
- Mid Argyll
- Kintyre and the Isles
- Helensburgh
- volunteer breastfeeding peer supporters

UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative
NHS Highland maternity, health visiting and family nurse services have been accredited by the UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative as Gold services. The award recognises how the service promotes, supports and protects breast feeding as well as parent-baby relationship building.
Neonatal services in Highland have achieved Stage 2 accreditation and are preparing for Stage 3 assessment. Assessment during this final stage will take place around families' experiences of neonatal unit care.

Important: NHS Highland infant feeding policies
View our policies related to infant feeding.
Infant feeding
Infant feeding
Within NHS Highland we are committed to supporting you in your choice to feed your baby.
Learn about feeding
During your pregnancy you should have had the opportunity to discuss your thoughts and feelings about feeding with yo...
Breastfeeding has long-term health benefits for both you and baby.
Breastfeeding support services
NHS Highland infant feeding team are passionate and committed to support you on your breastfeeding journey.
Breastfeeding friendly venues and local support groups
Local infant feeding support groups and Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland scheme venues.
Formula feeding
If you decide to formula feed your baby, it is important that for the first year of your baby's life that they only r...
Mixed (combination) feeding
Mixed feeding, or combination feeding, is when you choose to breastfeed sometimes and give formula at other times.