RSV vaccinations
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The RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) vaccine is offered to adults at the highest risk of serious illness from RSV infection.
The delivery of the RSV older adult programme to all eligible citizens has completed for 2024.
The Abrysvo vaccine is offered to protect against RSV in Scotland. It’s usually given as an injection in your upper arm.
You may be able to get the RSV vaccine at the same time as other vaccines like shingles or pneumococcal.
Important: About RSV vaccinations
The respiratory syncytial virus vaccine helps to protect people from RSV. Find out when the vaccine is given and how it works, at NHS inform.
The RSV is also offered during pregnancy, regardless of age.
The RSV vaccination programme (video)
Getting the RSV vaccine is the best way to protect yourself against infections caused by RSV.
Immunisation and vaccines
Vaccinations for adults
Routine vaccinations for adults, and during pregnancy.
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Pneumococcal vaccinations
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RSV vaccinations
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Shingles vaccinations
Older adults in Scotland are offered routine vaccination for shingles.
Vaccinations for babies, children and young people
Vaccinations available for babies, pre-school children and young people from 11 years.
Child flu vaccination
NHS Scotland recommends all eligible children should get the flu vaccine to help protect them from influenza (flu).
Travel vaccines
You can get vaccinations for international travel at local community pharmacies.