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Gender-based violence

Gender-based violence (or violence against women and girls) includes domestic abuse, rape, sexual assault, female genital mutilation, prostitution, child sexual abuse and many other forms of violence that predominately affect women and are most commonly perpetrated by men.

They are grouped together by the term "Gender-Based Violence" to highlight this gender bias, ultimately founded on gender inequality, and to emphasise that women face risk of violence at home, in the community and politically.

The documents and links below will let you know what you can expect from NHS Highland if you are experiencing gender-based violence.

We also have included some resources which might be helpful if you are looking for support for experiences of gender-based violence.

If you are looking for information about support following a sexual assault, please see our Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service (SARCS) page.

Helpful information

The following information provides details on services who may be able to support those who have experienced gender based violence are included in this leaflet. Many of these organisations also have a presence on Facebook and Twitter.

There is also a guide on what to look for when recognising signs of domestic abuse.

Last updated: 13 March 2025