Mental health and wellbeing
On this page
Support organisations for mental health and wellbeing, outside NHS Highland.
The impact of stress and other mental illness on our relationships, our working lives and our physical health is huge. What you eat, how much you exercise, the environment that you live in, the quality of friendships you have, will effect your physical and mental health. If any of these elements are not positive, then this will affect how you think and feel about yourself.
Take time to develop the skills you need to keep you mentally well and physically healthy, by being clear about how you eat, exercise and relax. Recognise and develop the resilience skills you need, so that external forces are not detrimental to your physical and mental wellbeing.
Mental health and wellbeing resources
Support organisations for mental health and wellbeing, outside NHS Highland.
Breathing Space
A free, confidential phone and webchat service from NHS 24 for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16 experiencing low...
Campaign Against Living Miserably
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) takes a stand against suicide.
Combat Stress
For over a century, Combat Stress has been helping former servicemen and women deal with issues like post-traumatic s...
Living Life
Phone support using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)-based techniques.
It's OK not to be OK.
Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
Poppyscotland provide support for current and former members of the Armed Forces as well as their families.
Prevent Suicide - Highland app
The Prevent Suicide - Highland mobile app has information and support to help someone who may be distressed or at ris...
Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you.
Related mental health pages
Mental health and wellbeing
Support organisations for mental health and wellbeing, outside NHS Highland.
Mental health - perinatal and infant
Pregnancy and having a baby can be an exciting time for new parents but can also be challenging and overwhelming at t...
Mental health - child and adolescent
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is based on the Raigmore Hospital site in Inverness.
Mental health - adult
Community mental health teams that provide psychiatric, addiction and learning disability services are available acro...
Mental health - older adults
The Older Adults Mental Health (OAMH) services provide the mental health response for older adults with complex needs...
Important: Highland Mental Wellbeing
Highland Mental Wellbeing is a list of both local and national services, information and training around the subject of mental health and wellbeing. It can be confusing to know where to start with online information, so it aims to help by highlighting some of the best websites and sources of help. It also provides information about training and resources for community/service volunteers or paid staff, in a 'helping' or supporting role.

Important: Mental health information at NHS inform
NHS inform provides a wealth of information on identifying, treating and managing mental health problems and disorders.
- Mental health - identifying, treating and managing mental health problems and disorders
- Get help with your mental health and wellbeing - including a guide to help you find support, and information about digital programmes:
- Mental health and wellbeing self-help guides - anxiety, grief, pain, depression, anger, sleep and phobias are covered in these interactive and practical self-help guides using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy