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Self-help resources

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Generic, evidence-based resources to guide you towards helpful changes.

It is useful for us all to aim for a good foundation - good enough quality of sleep, a fairly healthy diet and regular moderate exercise, and also engaging with activities and interests that are important to us.

Getting information to ensure that the foundation is as solid as it can be, and exploring ways to improve this foundation, is referred to as psycho-education.

illustration of two people communicating online by video and chat

My Diabetes My Way - mental wellbeing

My Diabetes My Way contains a range of information to help you better understand and better manage your type 2 diabetes.

Provided in manageable chunks of information, or in online learning programmes as part of their e-learning library, there is a section specifically on mental health and wellbeing within the context of diabetes.

My Diabetes My Way logo

Diabetes UK - diabetes and your emotions

Diabetes UK has a section devoted to emotional wellbeing, covering stress, depression, fear of hypos, burnout and diabetes distress. Information is provided in text, short video clips and podcasts.

You can sign up for an online course to improve your emotional health, in the learning zone. There is no cost to register, and the duration of courses is clearly stated before you start working through the online pages of your chosen module.

Use the Diabetes UK helpline if you need to speak to someone about your diabetes experience.

Diabetes UK Logo

Bibliotherapy - book therapy

Using literature to help with wellbeing.

Your local library will have, or can get access to, a range of reading materials on diabetes to help with your self-management.

Whilst the majority of titles will include sections on diabetes and emotional health, one book that may be particularly relevant is by Dr Jen Nash, published in 2013 by Wiley-Blackwell, called Diabetes and Wellbeing: Managing the Psychological and Emotional Challenges of Diabetes Types 1 and 2. Drawing upon proven CBT strategies and techniques, and blending a practical, solution-focused approach with mindfulness techniques, this text has been well reviewed for its practical tips for improved self-care.

Other titles will be available, and individuals will have preference for some books over others, or in different formats -  you may prefer audio books. The important part of bibliotherapy is taking time out for targeted reading about ways to improve health and wellbeing.

illustration of a person reading a book

Relaxation and mindfulness

What’s the difference and how can they help?

There are many relaxation exercises available, and it is important to find a relaxation activity that suits you - one size will not suit all! The purpose is to reduce stress hormones through an activity that is pleasant to you, so that tension is reduced and focus is on the here-and-now.

Mindfulness also focuses on the here-and-now, but differs in that being mindful of our experiences and reactions to events is more about noticing rather than changing these. Mindfulness can therefore be considered more about acceptance, whereas relaxation techniques are more about 'doing something specific' to change how we feel.

That might sound contradictory, as we 'do' a mindfulness meditation; going into such a practice isn’t trying to push struggle away, although this may happen. Sometimes in noticing, as if we are in a helicopter looking down on our experiences, we can soften those jaggy edges of difficulty.

Using the present moment as an anchor can reduce our focus on what has been, and what might be. You may find it helpful to practice mindfulness when you are:

  • preparing and eating food
  • taking a glucose reading
  • doing the shopping
  • walking

Everyday mindfulness is helpful too.

A mindful cuppa (video)

Whether our mind is playing mental pingpong or tripping us up with unhelpful thoughts, mental fatigue can sometimes feel a lot. A diabetes diagnosis can bring stress and worry, adding to the difficulty of managing diabetes. The problems won't go away but by drinking in our experience for a few minutes we can be a little further away from that busy mind.

Sleep and type 2 diabetes

See Sleep and type 2 diabetes (pdf, March 2025) - suggestions for a new approach to waking and sleeplessness.

Important: Mental health self-help guides at NHS inform

NHS Inform Logo

NHS inform offers information about, and self-help guides on:

Materials are generic and well-tested, and give suggestions that you can take on board to make helpful improvements to wellbeing. There are also resources for:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approaches are clearly explained and you can work through the chapters online, at your own pace. You will need an internet connection, pen and paper. You do not need to register or subscribe to make use of these resources.

Mental health at NHS inform

Last updated: 27 March 2025