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Diabetes resources in Highland

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Resources and support for those living with type 2 diabetes.

If you find out you have pre-diabetes or have been newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes you may want to find out more, using these resources.

Live it Highland pack

An information pack from NHS Highland for participants, introducing you to type 2 diabetes.

You can also get this from your local GP practice.

Containing useful information about diabetes that can help discussions and planning to self-manage type 2 diabetes.

Live It Highland Pack - Living With Diabetes - Cover

iPad loans

If you prefer to access information online but you're unsure where to look, or if you don’t have access to a digital device, High Life Highland library service has iPads pre-populated with health information. They can be booked and loaned out from any library, including mobile library service.

  • no internet required - SIM card included, providing mobile data (Vodafone / O2 signal)
  • health information, useful websites and leaflets
  • an information pack with how to use an iPad or access training and support

Ask at any High Life Highland library.

See a poster about iPad loans (pdf).

Ipad Loans From Library

New to Type 2 app

New to Type 2 is a free digital app with information that can be useful for people with pre-diabetes, newly diagnosed with type 2, and gestational diabetes. The app means you can always have access to information and keep returning to it as often as you need.

The app includes:


  • information to read
  • short videos to watch
  • local resources
  • frequently asked questions
  • a section for people to work on their personal


See a New to Type 2 app poster (pdf).

New To Type 2 App Logo

Emotional health and diabetes

Managing diabetes is an ongoing and often challenging task, which can be wearing on our emotional health too.

illustration of a person holding their hands over their heart

Diabetes services and resources

Last updated: 27 February 2025

Next review date: 28 April 2025