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NHS Highland Board

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NHS Highland is managed by a Board made up of Non-Executive and designated Executive Directors.

Role of the Board

The role of the NHS Highland Board is to have strategic oversight of the delivery of services and to maintain assurance that the organisation is meeting its obligations. The Board must ensure that NHS Highland makes the best use of its allocated resources to deliver high-quality, person-centred care and improve the health and wellbeing of the residents of the Highlands and Argyll and Bute.

The full breadth of the organisation's ambition and strategic vision for the next five years is set out within the Together We Care Strategy. The Board oversees the development and delivery of a number of supporting strategies and plans, including an Annual Delivery Plan agreed with the Scottish Government.

The NHS Highland Board takes forward its role by working with the health and social care partnerships (HSCPs) in both Argyll and Bute and Highland, community planning partnerships (CPPs), and other organisations in the public and third sector.

Board meetings

The Board meets in public every two months and members of the public may attend these meetings to observe proceedings. See Board meetings for information on:

  • meeting dates
  • agendas, papers and related documents for past and future Board meetings
  • how to attend

Contact the Board

Composition of the Board

All NHS Highland Board members are appointed by the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care, and are accountable to the Scottish Government through the Cabinet Secretary. The Board includes publicly appointed non-executive members, stakeholder members and executive members. Board membership currently comprises:

  • one publicly appointed non-executive Board Chair
  • 11 publicly appointed non-executive members
  • four stakeholder members (representing partners, staff and nominated from Local Authorities)
  • five executive members (i.e. senior employees of the Board)

The Executive Directors Group (EDG) undertakes an executive leadership role for broader discussion and decision making in relation to the delivery of the Board’s strategic priorities and key operational, clinical and performance issues. Members of EDG are in attendance at NHS Highland Board meetings. The EDG is chaired by the Chief Executive, and all Executive Directors who are also NHS Highland Board members attend.

Professional Advisory Committees (PACs) provide authoritative advice to the NHS Highland Board on relevant matters. The PACs promote an opportunity for development and strengthening communication and networking for clinical professionals. The Board is expected to keep under review and maximise the quality of the advice provided on the Board’s strategic objectives.


Sarah Compton Bishop

Sarah Compton-Bishop

Chair, NHS Highland Read more

Sarah Compton-Bishop was appointed as Chair of NHS Highland in March 2023 following five years serving as a Non-Executive Director on the board.

Sarah has a broad range of governance experience across public and third sector organisations, including her work as Chair of the Argyll and Bute Integration Joint Board and NHS Highland Staff Governance Committee.

Sarah’s career has spanned roles in operational delivery and improvement, strategic leadership and Community Led development in remote rural communities – something she remains passionate about.

Sarah has worked extensively in and with several volunteer organisations and continues to support initiatives in her local community.

Having lived in the Highlands since her teens, Sarah relocated to the Isle of Jura in 2012 with her family. During this time Sarah has lived with, and supported loved ones with long term health conditions, leading to a particular interest in innovative solutions for delivering equitable health care across our diverse geography.

Sarah is Chair of the NHS Scotland Volunteering Advisory Board.

Executive directors

Fiona Davies

Fiona Davies

Chief Executive, NHS Highland Read more

Fiona Davies is the Chief Executive of NHS Highland. A Registered Mental Health Nurse and (until April 2024) Chief Officer of Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, Fiona brings a wealth of clinical and senior management experience, and a depth of knowledge of the whole Highland area to this role.

After training in Leeds, West Yorkshire in the early 1990s, Fiona worked in London, North Wales and Southwest England in clinical and senior management roles, including the leadership of integrated health and social care services.

When the opportunity to relocate to Highland arose, Fiona moved with her young family to return to clinical practice in the Lochaber area. However, before long Fiona's skills and experience drew her back into leadership roles, quickly taking on responsibility for community and then acute mental health in Highland, including leading mental health through the COVID pandemic.

This appointment makes Fiona the first Chief Executive to have held senior roles in both partnership areas of the board. As Chief Officer of Argyll and Bute HSCP she demonstrated her interest in remote and rural public services, along with a focus on delivering safe and effective care in partnership, recognising the relationship between inequalities and health outcomes.

Throughout Fiona's career she has developed strong links nationally with partner organisations, stakeholders and communities, and has articulated and advocated for the needs of rural communities, including policy, to enable delivery within the geography of the NHS Highland area.

Tim Allison

Dr Tim Allison

Director of Public Health and Policy, NHS Highland Read more

Appointed in July 2020, Dr Tim Allison is a highly experienced director of public health and was previously director of public health in the East Riding of Yorkshire, working both within local government and the NHS and was a former honorary secretary of the Association of Directors of Public Health (UK). He has worked in epidemiological research and as a hospital doctor and studied medicine in Cardiff and Cambridge where he also studied Anglo-Saxon Norse and Celtic. His professional interests include musculoskeletal disease, coastal health and physical activity and he has run recreational public health cycling events.

Louise Bussell

Louise Bussell

Nurse Director, NHS Highland Read more

Louise Bussell took up the role of interim chief officer for the Highland Health & Social Care Partnership with effect from November 2020, she was formerly the NHS Highland head of mental health services.  Louise relocated to NHS Highland in July 2020, from her most recent role of Deputy Director of Forensic Services at Nottinghamshire NHS Trust.  Prior to starting that position in 2016, she held a variety of nursing and senior leadership positions in mental health across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, having started her career as a Registered Mental Health nurse in 1993.

Heledd Cooper

Heledd Cooper

Director of Finance, NHS Highland Read more

Heledd Cooper joined NHS Highland in August 2022 as Director of Finance and is a full member of the CIMA accountancy professional body. Having joined the NHS as a National finance trainee in England in 2001 has worked across various NHS organisations in the North West of England and Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board in North Wales. Latterly, she was the Director of Finance at Primary Care 24, focussing on the sustainability and delivery of Primary Care services in the Merseyside area. Heledd has also been a keen member of various Finance Staff Development Networks over the last 10 years and is passionate in this area of work.

Boyd Peters

Dr Boyd Peters

Medical Director, NHS Highland Read more

Dr Boyd Peters worked as a GP in the Highlands since 1991. He was clinical lead for Badenoch & Strathspey from 2008 until 2019 and associate medical director for mental health from 2016. He continued clinical work until his appointment as medical director in August 2019. He was an active member of Cairngorm Mountain Rescue Team from 1995 to 2021 and still enjoys a wide range of outdoor activities.

Non-executive directors

Alexander Anderson

Alexander Anderson

Non-executive Director, NHS Highland Read more

Alexander Anderson has worked in the highly regulated nuclear industry for 40 years, advising Scottish and UK governments and providing consultancy to the International Atomic Energy Agency. With this, he has the knowledge, business acumen and experience to bring to his appointment to NHS Highland. He has lived and worked in Caithness for more than 40 years and looks forward to serving the Highland community through the work on the Board.

Emily Austin

Emily Austin

Non-executive Director, NHS Highland Read more

Emily Austin was appointed to the Board in December 2023, having served in a voluntary capacity as a Public Representative on NHS Highland's Clinical Governance Committee since 2021.

Emily is an entrepreneur running her own tourism business, having previously spent 10 years working in governance, strategy and operations roles with international banks and financial services organisations.

Emily lives in Connel, Argyll, and holds several voluntary roles in the local area. As a patient managing a long-term health condition, Emily also brings experience as a user of NHS Highland's services.

Graham Bell

Graham Bell

Vice Chair, Argyll and Bute Integration Joint Board and Non-executive Director, NHS Highland Read more

Graham Bell was appointed to the NHS Highland Board in January 2021.  He has lived in Argyll for the past 35 years. Originally from Glasgow, his early career included working as a hospital porter, a youth and community worker and a night care officer with older people. Qualifying as a social worker he spent most of his career in working with young people at risk, initially in the local authority and latterly as Chief Executive of Kibble, a third sector organisation.

Now semi-retired he continues to work in cross-sectoral leadership development. He is also a board member of Community Justice Scotland and Cove Burgh Hall. He has extensive international experience in social and economic development and in 2019 was awarded an OBE for services to residential care, education, and social enterprise.

Alasdair Christie

Alasdair Christie

Non-executive Director, NHS Highland Read more

Alasdair Christie has worked at a senior level of management for over 30 years, primarily in the mechanical engineering industry. In addition, as a local councillor in Inverness he has many years of experience dealing with some of the issues facing local people including the complexities of delivering services across Highland. His term on the Board started in November 2017. In recent years he has been deputy leader of the Highland Council, Chair of the Community Planning Partnership Board and formerly Chair of the Committee which oversees Education, Social Work and Housing. Mr Christie is currently general manager of the Inverness Badenoch and Strathspey Citizens Advice Bureau and a trustee of Culduthel Woods, Eden Court and is involved with several poverty alleviation initiatives. 

Ann Clark

Ann Clark

Vice Chair, NHS Highland Read more

In February 2017 Ms Ann Clark was first appointed to the Board.  She has a background in researching, developing and implementing health and social care policy in the Highlands, including as head of policy at Highland Council, as a research fellow at UHI Centre for Rural Health and a director of her own consultancy business. Ms Clark has a life-long interest in community empowerment and user involvement in the design and delivery of public service and was Director of Highland Community Care Forum for four years. Ms Clark is a previous Chair of sexual health charity Highland Brook and served for six years as a Director of Partnerships for Wellbeing.

Bert Donald

Bert Donald

Whistleblowing Champion, NHS Highland Read more

Bert Donald is a former senior police officer who retired in 2010 after serving almost 39 years across the north east of Scotland. Following his retirement from the service, he was appointed as Independent Chair of several Adult Protection Committees, fulfilling this role until December 2018. He is a Lay Member of NHS Education for Scotland and is a Match Delegate for the football authorities in Scotland. He also undertakes work on an independent basis advising on risk and risk management, as well as fulfilling several voluntary roles in his local community. He brings to the Board experience of leadership in a large public sector organisation, change management and partnership working along with experience of governance, accountability and scrutiny.

Karen Leach

Karen Leach

Non-executive Director, NHS Highland Read more

Karen Leach was born in Ayrshire and lived and worked in Guernsey for over 30 years before making her home in Kintyre in 2022.

Karen is a semi-retired registered nurse with a varied 40-year career across hospital and community health and social care. Karen’s most recent post was Associate Director for the States of Guernsey’s Integrated Adult Community Services, responsible for strategy, operational leadership and management and transformation as part of the senior leadership team.

Karen holds a Masters in Leadership and Management in Health Care and brings expertise in evidence-based approaches to decision making. Karen was awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2018 to research how systems respond to individual meaning and purpose.

Philip Macrae

Philip MacRae

Non-executive Director, NHS Highland Read more

Philip MacRae has 30 years’ experience working in policing throughout the Highlands and Islands. He has lived and worked across many communities within the Highlands and has a proven track record in public sector leadership and management. He is an ardent supporter of the NHS and looks forward to bringing his knowledge and experience of working in the public sector to help develop outstanding health and care services in NHS Highland.

Joanne Mccoy

Joanne McCoy

Non-executive Director, NHS Highland Read more

Joanne McCoy lives in Inverness and has held several positions within the third and business sectors. Her experience of being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis led her to work in the field of independent living and wellbeing for the last 20 years. Joanne has broad experiences along with in depth knowledge of delivering services to people living with long-term health conditions across Highland through her career with both National and Regional Third Sector Organisations throughout the Highlands and Islands. As a person living with and managing a long-term condition Joanne is committed to ensuring service user focus, lived experiences and partnership working are key to developing services and building sustainable change.

Gerry O Brien

Gerry O'Brien

Non-executive Director, NHS Highland Read more

Originally from Glasgow, Gerry O'Brien attended the University of Stirling and graduated in accountancy in 1986. He made a decision to develop a career in the NHS and moved to Bromley in South East London to take up the role of finance trainee with the then Bromley Health Authority.  After qualifying as an accountant with CIPFA, where he is now a Fellow, he moved to South West Surrey Health Authority where he remained until 1997 when a return to Scotland beckoned. He joined NHS Borders in January 1998, working in various roles within finance until 2009 when he moved to NHS Orkney as Director of Finance, after a period at the Scottish Ambulance also as Director of Finance, Gerry returned to Orkney in January 2018 as interim and then permanent CEO. Gerry has particular interests in finance and performance, governance, mental health and children’s services.  Gerry retired in June 2020 and lives in Orkney. 

Janice Preston

Janice Preston

Non-executive Director, NHS Highland Read more

Janice Preston is a registered nurse who began her career in cancer nursing at the Beatson Oncology Centre in 1988. She became a chemotherapy nurse and completed an MBA focused on planning and redesign of regional chemotherapy services. In 2004, she joined Macmillan Cancer Support as a development lead for the West of Scotland, and in 2009, she was promoted to a national development role, collaborating with NHS Highland and local authorities.

In 2015, Janice became the strategic lead for Macmillan in Scotland, expanding her role to cover Northern Ireland in 2020. She led UK programmes on psychological support and holistic needs assessment, and chaired the Executive Board for Transforming Cancer Care, overseeing the "Improving the Cancer Journey" programme. This initiative demonstrated significant benefits by addressing non-clinical needs in a joined-up way across health, social care, and the third sector.

In 2020, Janice moved to Kintyre to help care for her grandchildren. She retired from Macmillan in August 2024 and began exploring sheep farming. Janice has long championed the needs of remote and rural areas and applied for the Non-Executive Director position with NHS Highland to leverage her experience in integrated programmes, addressing inequalities, empowering communities, and driving system transformation and digital innovation.

Steve Walsh

Steve Walsh

Non-executive Director, NHS Highland Read more

Steve Walsh is a former senior military officer with experience at executive level in the private, public and third sectors.

A Chartered Fellow of CIPD, Steve brings strengths in leadership, workforce strategies and change management. Currently the Chief Executive of High Life Highland, Steve is passionate about the benefits that physical, mental and social wellbeing can have on the health of communities.

Steve is Chair of Highland Disability Sport and an ambassador for the military charity Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Family Association (SSAFA), and trustee of a number of Highland charities.

Stakeholder members

Elspeth Caithness

Elspeth Caithness

Employee Director, NHS Highland Read more

Elspeth Caithness was appointed as employee director in October 2021. She started her career in Raigmore Hospital qualifying as a Registered Nurse in 1989, working predominately in acute medicine. She has represented Royal College of Nursing Members (RCN) locally at Branch level and nationally on RCN Scotland Board and RCN Council, RCN Safety Representative Committee member for Scotland elected 2021 for a four year term. She brings a broad experience of working across both acute and community settings within her staff-side role and has had several tenures co-chairing NHS Highland Health and Safety Committee. As Employee Director, she shares the position of Chair of the Area Partnership Forum with the Chief Executive. Elspeth will also be a member of the Staff Governance Committee.

Muriel Cockburn

Muriel Cockburn

Highland Council Representative, NHS Highland Read more

Muriel Cockburn qualified as a radiographer for in 1980 in Glasgow. She has worked across Scotland specialising in clinical and research MRI. She held various governance and committee roles within the UK College and Society of Radiographers. She is a past president of the British Association of MR Radiographers, she was an external assessor for City University and guest lecturer at Robert Gordon University and Glasgow Caledonian University. She has been an external adviser on MRI procurement and worked with National Procurement Scotland on radiology contrast agents. She was also part of a multidisciplinary group setting up clinical stroke standards for Scotland. She is proud to be part of the NHS. On retirement she became a Highland Councillor for Badenoch & Strathspey, and is in her second term. Her interests are sports and walking.

Garret Corner

Garrett Corner

Argyll and Bute Council representative, NHS Highland Read more

Garrett Corner has been a self employed electrical engineer since 1991 and was a special constable for nine years. Previously Garret worked for a Swiss/German company for two years, running maintenance and projects. He is currently studying an Open University Psychology degree. He also has a son who is a fourth year medical student in Aberdeen. He was elected as a councillor for Argyll and Bute in May and is delighted to have been accepted onto the board.

Catriona Sinclair

Catriona Sinclair

Chair of the Area Clinical Forum, NHS Highland Read more

Catriona Sinclair was appointed as chair of the Area Clinical Forum in January 2022, and was subsequently appointed to the board. Catriona is a pharmacist independent prescriber who has worked as a community pharmacist for over 30 years and is currently a pharmacy contractor in Strathpeffer. She has been a board member at Community Pharmacy Scotland since 2013 where she is actively involved in the development of the community pharmacy contract. As chair of the Area Pharmaceutical Committee and Area Clinical Forum in NHS Highland she promotes her profession, patient care and multidisciplinary team working. Elected to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Scottish Board in 2021, she is involved in the development of the professional role of pharmacists. Outwith work, Catriona enjoys running, walking and yoga. She is also a board member of the Clyne Heritage Society charity where she is the treasurer.

In attendance

David Park

David Park

Deputy Chief Executive, NHS Highland Read more

David Park joined NHS Highland in 2017 as director of operations for acute, mental health, and integrated health and social care services, for the South and Mid areas of Highland.  In 2018 he was appointed chief officer for integrated health and social care for Highland. Prior to the NHS, David worked in the private sector for multi-national companies in health care, electronics, and consumer products.  He has an undergraduate qualification in accounting and a Master’s degree in Lean.

Pam Cremin

Pamela Stott

Chief Officer, Community (Highland HSCP), NHS Highland Read more

Pamela Stott is Chief Officer, Community - Highland Health and Social Care Partnership.

Pamela trained as a nurse in 1986 and has held a number of nursing and clinical leadership posts as well as leading professional, multi-disciplinary and multi-agency teams.

Pamela is educated to Masters Degree level and brings a breadth of skills gained during the varied roles she has held.

Her focus is on delivering high quality, accessible community health and care services with public and care partners to achieve health and wellbeing outcomes for the Highland population.

Gareth Adkins

Gareth Adkins

Director of People and Culture, NHS Highland Read more

Gareth joined NHS Highland as Director of People and Culture in July 2023 following 5 years as an Executive Director with NHS Golden Jubilee in Clydebank.

During his time with NHS Golden Jubilee, Gareth, as the Director of Strategy, Planning and Performance, was responsible for quality improvement, service design and transformation, strategic planning and programme management, diversity and inclusion, performance management and business intelligence as well as corporate governance. Prior to this, he was Executive Director of Strategy, Planning and Workforce, with responsibility for the People function, Health and Safety and Staff Governance as well as strategy, planning and performance.

Gareth has worked for the NHS for over 25 years. He has worked in a variety of Improvement roles at Health Improvement Scotland and earlier in his career was a Bioengineer and Clinical Engineer in Tayside, Grampian and Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Gareth is a keen advocate for ensuring the right support is in place to ensure people providing services can thrive and they are well equipped to plan and deliver service redesign as well as embed continuous improvement in health and care services.

Katherine Sutton

Katherine Sutton

Chief Operating Officer, Acute Services, NHS Highland Read more

Katherine Sutton originally trained as a diagnostic radiographer and brings a breadth of experience from across clinical, professional and senior management roles of health systems in Australia and New Zealand as well as Ireland and a variety of locations across the UK including the Northern Isles. Originally from Caithness, Katherine is committed to supporting the delivery of local healthcare for the people of the Highlands.

team member default

Richard MacDonald

Director of Estates, Facilities and Capital Planning, NHS Highland

Last updated: 10 February 2025

Next review date: 28 February 2025