Engagement Hub
The NHS Highland Engagement Hub is a one-stop shop for our engagement opportunities.
Members can choose the things that they would like to know more about, become involved in and stay updated on.
visit the Engagement HubFor more information:
email nhsh.engage@nhs.scot
About the Engagement Hub
The Engagement Hub is an exciting landmark step in our ambition to deliver genuine engagement opportunities to our communities, partners and colleagues, on different projects and strategies. We understand that online engagement is not for everyone, and we will continue to work with our partners and communities to reach those who may experience difficulties in engaging with us this way.
The Engagement Hub will put people in control of their engagement experience with us and enable them to connect with, comment on, share ideas with and contribute to, the things that are important to them.
Our first project is asking people to help us design this new and exciting space, to make sure it is appealing and accessible to as many people as possible. Check out this engagement opportunity here and make sure your ideas and experiences are part of the big picture!
This space is open to anyone from the NHS Highland area, including Argyll and Bute. So please feel free to share this news and opportunity with family, friends, colleagues and anyone who lives or works here who may be interested.
Ways to leave feedback
NHS Highland encourages and values all kinds of feedback. There are a number of ways to leave your feedback with us and receive a response:
Care Opinion
Tell your story about an experience of health care or social care at Care Opinion, an independent, not-for-profit org...
Contact the Feedback team
We would like to hear and understand your comments, opinions, concerns or suggestions. It is very important for us to...
NHS Highland is committed to delivering high quality care for all patients. This includes making sure people are trea...
Argyll and Bute Feedback team
Feedback about Argyll and Bute services, including complaints.
Engagement Hub
The NHS Highland Engagement Hub is a one-stop shop for our engagement opportunities.
Patient Advice and Support Service
The Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS) is an independent service, part of Scottish Citizens Advice Bureau.
Contact us
Care Opinion
Tell your story about an experience of health care or social care at Care Opinion, an independent, not-for-profit org...
Contact the Feedback team
We would like to hear and understand your comments, opinions, concerns or suggestions. It is very important for us to...
Contact the Communications and Engagement team
Get in touch with the NHS Highland Communications and Engagement team.
Community empowerment
Community asset transfer and participation requests.
From time to time NHS Highland will feature consultations that are underway.
Engagement Hub
The NHS Highland Engagement Hub is a one-stop shop for our engagement opportunities.
Freedom of information
About our Freedom Of Information (FOI) policy and how to request information from us.
Make a donation
The Highland Health Board Endowment Funds.