On this page
NHS Highland is committed to delivering high quality care for all patients. This includes making sure people are treated properly and promptly.
However, sometimes people are dissatisfied with the service they have received and wish to make a complaint. When we receive a complaint we aim to provide a thorough response as quickly as possible.
See also how to send feedback and compliments.
Submitting a complaints form
View or download the NHS Highland complaint handling procedure (pdf).
If the complainant is being made on behalf of a child patient, or the complainant is a young person (18 years and below) we also provide guidance on the Child Friendly Complaint Handling Procedure to accompany the NHS Highland complaint handling procedure.
NHS Highland Child Friendly Complaint Handling procedure works within the framework of the UNCRC Act 2024.
Read information on Your Health, Your Rights - Feedback and Complaints (pdf, 2017) - how to have a say about your care, and how to get any concerns or complaints dealt with.
Feedback and complaints from NHS Scotland (easy read version) (pdf) - a factsheet for everyone who has been given care by the NHS in any part of Scotland.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (EU) 2016/679 we must advise you that your name and address will be added to a complaints database which has been set up for the management of your concern/compliment and statistical purposes. This information will not be disclosed by us without your permission to any other person and will not be used for any other purpose other than to progress your concern/compliment unless we are required to do so by law. See our privacy notice.
See complaints annual reports.
Argyll and Bute
Residents in Argyll and Bute can alternatively submit feedback or a complaint to Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership.
Complaints forms
Before submitting your complaint form, please ensure you have all the information required, as this will avoid any delay in processing your complaint.
Please also be aware that, if you are making a complaint on behalf of a child patient, we will seek informed consent from the child, depending on their age and capacity. If you have any concerns, the Feedback Team will advise on any questions you may have.
Ways to leave feedback
NHS Highland encourages and values all kinds of feedback. There are a number of ways to leave your feedback with us and receive a response:
Care Opinion
Tell your story about an experience of health care or social care at Care Opinion, an independent, not-for-profit org...
Contact the Feedback team
We would like to hear and understand your comments, opinions, concerns or suggestions. It is very important for us to...
NHS Highland is committed to delivering high quality care for all patients. This includes making sure people are trea...
Argyll and Bute Feedback team
Feedback about Argyll and Bute services, including complaints.
Engagement Hub
The NHS Highland Engagement Hub is a one-stop shop for our engagement opportunities.
Patient Advice and Support Service
The Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS) is an independent service, part of Scottish Citizens Advice Bureau.
Contact Us
Care Opinion
Tell your story about an experience of health care or social care at Care Opinion, an independent, not-for-profit org...
Contact the Communications and Engagement team
Get in touch with the NHS Highland Communications and Engagement team.
Community empowerment
Community asset transfer and participation requests.
Engagement Hub
The NHS Highland Engagement Hub is a one-stop shop for our engagement opportunities.
Freedom of information
About our Freedom Of Information (FOI) policy and how to request information from us.
Community equipment return contacts
Phone numbers for return of physiotherapy, mobility or occupational therapy equipment.
Make a donation
The Highland Health Board Endowment Funds.