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Contact the Feedback team and leaving feedback

NHS Highland encourages and values all kinds of feedback. There are a number of ways to leave your feedback with us and receive a response.

care opinion logo (1)

Care opinion

NHS Highland works in partnership with Care Opinion. Care Opinion is an online story sharing platform where anonymous stories are shared by patients, and where our services will respond directly in a timely manner, ensuring responses are open and transparent. 

About Care Opinion

Care Opinion also offers to children a dedicated service to leave their stories, where dedicated advisers will support them to use their service:

Care Opinion for children and young people

Let us know

We would always encourage you to talk to staff but we understand that not everyone finds this easy.

We would like to hear and understand your comments, opinions, concerns or suggestions. It is very important for us to receive positive feedback as well as concerns or formal complaints about the care and services you have received.

We are always looking to improve and can learn from what went well as well the things you were not pleased with.


Write to us:

Feedback Team
NHS Highland
PO Box 5713

Last updated: 31 July 2024

Next review date: 22 May 2024