Community equipment return contacts
On this page
Phone numbers for return of physiotherapy, mobility or occupational therapy equipment.
If you were loaned but no longer use a piece of equipment belonging to NHS Highland, find out where to return it. Contacts are different for people in the Argyll and Bute area and the Highland area.
Occupational therapy (OT) equipment
Occupational therapy equipment includes items like:
- beds, bed rails and hoists
- tables and chairs
- trolleys
- raised toilet seats, other toileting and bathing items
Argyll and Bute area
Call the Integrated Equipment Service. Please give a few days' notice if you're asking for a collection of equipment - we cannot always manage uplifts the following day:
phone 01436 633 102
Read a news article about the Integrated Equipment Service.
Highland area
...or phone the Community Equipment Store or Housing Association in your area to arrange return:
Physiotherapy equipment
Physiotherapy equipment includes items like:
- crutches
- rollators
- zimmer or walking frames
Please return these items to the hospital or department that provided them to you - see all NHS Highland hospitals with contact phone numbers.
Argyll and Bute area
phone 03007 900 129 (Westmarc)
Highland area
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Community equipment return contacts
Phone numbers for return of physiotherapy, mobility or occupational therapy equipment.
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