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Current vacancies and roles

On this page

NHS Highland vacancies and help with the application process. Social media announcements, and contacts.

NHS Highland vacancies at NHSScotland Jobs

All of our vacancies are advertised on the NHSScotland National Recruitment portal, which also hosts all other vacancies in Scotland:

view all NHS Highland vacancies


  1. view all NHSScotland vacancies
  2. see Filter your search (on mobile devices this is Filter jobs)
  3. go to the Employer (NHS Board) filter
  4. select NHS Highland
  5. Apply Filters
  6. browse the displayed vacancies

Job Families

You can also use the Job Family filter (with the Employer filter set as NHS Highland) to select a category of vacancies - find out more about Job Families.

NHS Highland Vacancies On Jobtrain

Help with your application

See: Your guide to the NHSScotland application process - a step-by-step guide to help you complete an online application for a post.

If you have any questions about a specific vacancy, please contact the hiring manager or recruitment team. Their contact details are in the job advert.

If you are a candidate and experiencing technical difficulties with login or submitting an application, use the Jobseeker Support Hub or:


See: Application forms at My World of Work - for more help in completing job applications.

Your Guide To The Nhsscotland Application Process

Argyll and Bute HSCP vacancies

View all current Argyll and Bute vacancies here.

These divisions of the current NHS Highland vacancies take you to more specific areas within Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP). Not all links will display active vacancies.

NHS Highland recruitment contacts

Recruitment Team
Assynt House
Beechwood Park

Argyll and Bute HSCP recruitment contacts

In Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership:

Recruitment Team
Kilmory Castle
PA31 8RT

Recruitment Team
Victoria Integrated Care Centre
G84 7BU

  • Job Families

    Job Families are the categorisation of jobs within the National Recruitment Portal. There are many roles or professio...

  • Living and working in our area

    Watch our videos to find out more about life and work in the Highland and Argyll and Bute areas.

  • Routes into NHS Highland careers

    Where you may have come from, and where you want to go.

  • Our values

    Our core values are the principles and beliefs that we use to guide us as we deliver health and care. They are pivota...

Last updated: 14 March 2025

Next review date: 15 September 2025