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Business case

NHS Highland was given the go-ahead to progress to the next stage in its plans to redesign services in Caithness by the then Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, Jeane Freeman MSP in May 2019.

Scottish Government require all capital projects to go through a three stage business case process:

  1. Initial Agreement
  2. Outline Business Case
  3. Full Business Case

Timescale and documents

The Initial Agreement for the Caithness Redesign was approved by Scottish Government in February 2022, and NHS Highland is now developing an Outline Business Case for submission. That involves fully detailing the service model to inform workforce and building requirements (complete), developing a workforce plan to support the redesigned service, and developing concept designs for the reconfiguration of Caithness General Hospital and the new Community Hub and Care Villages in Wick and Thurso.

Important: Further information

For queries about documents relating to service redesign that are not published here:

contact the District Manager for the area
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    NHS Highland was given the go-ahead to progress to the next stage in its plans to redesign services in Caithness by t...

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Last updated: 18 March 2025