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Strategic objective: Our Population

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Deliver the best possible health and care outcomes.

Strategic outcomes

Outcome 1 - start well

Give every child the opportunity to start well in life by empowering parents and families through information sharing, education and support - before and during pregnancy.

What you said

“Perinatal mental health should be implemented and expanded.”
Female, aged 25-45, East Ross

“Women deserve a welcoming place to birth their babies where the family unit is supported.”
Female, aged 45-60, East Ross

“More support for first time mothers before and after childbirth, leading to happier childhoods and less mental health issues”
Female, aged 45-60, Inverness-shire

What we will do

Empower parents and families through support and information to see the benefits of choosing to eat well, being a healthy weight and being physically active from pre-pregnancy to later life.

Improve the access and quality of post-pregnancy care, especially within vulnerable groups, to improve infant health outcomes and the development of strong parent-child relationships.

Ensure that we implement all the recommendations of Best Start and ensure parents and families have the best care experience possible throughout pregnancy and birth.

What can you do?

See more information on having a healthy pregnancy at NHS inform.

Outcome 2 - thrive well

We will work together with our families, communities and partners to build joined-up services that support our children and young people to thrive.

What you said

“Improved services for children and young people with disabilities. Investment in children’s services to ensure we meet the evolving health needs for all children in our communities.”
Female, aged 45-60, Argyll and Bute

“Paediatric in-patient and dedicated out-patient area.”
Female, aged 45-60, Caithness

“I think that one area that needs to be focused upon immediately and into the future is the neurodevelopmental / child mental health resources available in the Highlands.”
Female, aged 25-45, Nairnshire

What we will do

We will work collaboratively to deliver #keepthepromise to play our part in giving every child in Scotland the chance to grow up loved, safe and respected so that they realise their full potential.

We will work together to deliver support to those children and young people who have health and care needs, to allow them to thrive.

We will support our children and young people who have mental health or neurodiversity needs with timely, accessible care and a no wrong door approach.

What can you do?

See more information on healthy growth and development at NHS inform.

Outcome 3 - stay well

We will work alongside our partners by developing sustainable and accessible health and care, focused on prevention and early intervention.

What you said

“Self-care, empowering people to take responsibility for their own health.”
Female, aged 45-60, Inverness-shire

“The most important priority to me after 20 years of service in NHS Highland is prevention and focus on health inequalities. This is achievable through providing support to people with their behaviours, focus on signposting to services, and empowering patients and staff to help to improve population health, and building community resilience.”
Female, aged 45-60, Inverness-shire

“Prevention is better than cure.”
Female, aged 25-45 years, Ross-shire

What we will do

We will deliver robust screening and vaccination programmes ensuring uptake is maximised and access is equitable across our population.

Engage with individuals, families and communities to strengthen protective factors and reduce health risk factors, to support people to make healthier choices for their future.

Ensure more people are empowered to take control of their own health and wellbeing.

What can you do?

See more information on our vaccination programmes:

Outcome 4 - anchor well

Be an anchor by working as equal partners within our communities to design and deliver health and care that has a focus on our population and where they live.

What you said

“There was a huge increase in demand through the COVID-19 pandemic due to lockdown and change in lifestyle activities and decrease in services due to staff illness, redeployment, decrease in planned surgeries.”
Female, aged 45-60

“Be human, be connected, demonstrate you care about the population and your staff.”
Female, aged 45-60, Mid Ross

“We need seamless services that fit around the patient, not the patient having to navigate lots of different services.”
Female, aged 25-45, Inverness-shire

What we will do

Support recovery from the pandemic for our population in the context of the impact on the wider determinants of health.

Work with our population, communities and partners identifying priorities to co-produce and co-deliver health and care.

Embed population experience ensuring our people are at the centre of all we do.

What can you do?

See our Engagement Framework for more information.

Last updated: 13 March 2025