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We will create a culture of continuous improvement to develop the safety, experience and our responsiveness to the population we serve by delivering outstanding care every day.

Quality 3 Star Icon

Listen and learn

We will listen to what our patients tell us, and use this information to learn and to improve their experiences in NHS Highland.

Facilitate change

We will work with our people to promote effective leadership across the organisation to create the right conditions to facilitate change in NHS Highland.

Embed quality management system

We will introduce and embed a Quality Management System that will become a standard management system across NHS Highland.

Shared learning

We will develop our structures to facilitate a meaningful learning organisation, sharing learning when we don’t get things right and being accessible to everyone in NHS Highland.

Work across NHS Highland

We will work across the organisation to ensure that through the delivery of Together We Care, quality is everyone’s priority in NHS Highland.

Last updated: 13 March 2025