Foreword and introduction
An introduction to the Together We Care strategy, with a foreword from the Chief Executive and former Chair.
Introduction (video)
During 2022 we engaged with our workforce to understand what they thought we should prioritise for health and care delivery over the next five years. We also asked our partners, communities and wider population what they felt was important.

Professor Boyd Robertson - Former Chair, NHS Highland Board
"We are pleased to share with you the NHS Highland Strategy for 2022-2027. This Strategy should be read in conjunction with the Argyll and Bute Integration Joint Board (IJB) Strategic Plan. We will work collaboratively with the IJB to support the ambitions of their Strategic Plan.
The past two years have been challenging for all health and social care systems and staff have worked tirelessly in unprecedented circumstances while the public have had to interact in a different way with us. That has been difficult at times for all concerned. Although the pandemic persists, we must look to the future. The world has changed significantly as a result of the pandemic and we need to respond to that and look at how we operate as a health and social care system. Access to health and social care, inequalities, prevention, well‐being and our role in climate change will be at the forefront of that review.
Reducing the inequalities gap and improving access to services when people need them will be priorities and we shall be mindful of the welfare impacts of the decisions we take when designing services. The increase in virtual forms of health and social care has been transformational but we need to work with communities to understand where it has worked well and where it has raised concerns. That will enable us to transition together more effectively as we go forward.
Prevention activities are a fundamental building block for communities. We are committed to working with our community planning partners to strengthen the local economy and health profile of the population.
Climate change is a significant area in which the health and care system can contribute positively by working differently. Working with our communities, we can all understand the changes we can make together that will have a significant impact on the future of our planet."

Pamela Dudek - Chief Executive, NHS Highland
"We know people are worried about waiting lists and that access to emergency and urgent care is extremely challenged. We are aiming to get appropriate care delivered in a timely manner as close to home as possible and, when necessary due to the level of specialism involved, in a centre where this can be delivered well ensuring the best outcome for the individual. Remote and rural service delivery is a major challenge but we will work with our communities and partners to understand better how to resolve some of the obstacles that can result in disadvantage.
Our workforce is our greatest asset but we appreciate that they have had a torrid and relentless time during the pandemic. It is humbling to witness their motivation, commitment and passion but we need to ensure that we take good care of our staff. We must also continue to be innovative as we try to increase opportunities to recruit and stabilise our workforce. We will strive to create the best environment for staff to flourish and pay attention to the values and behaviours needed to ensure a positive team approach. That will require all of us to start with ourselves and our contribution to the team, how we work with each other and how we work with individuals and their families to ensure the best experience of our health and care system.
This strategy sets out the ambition. There will be choices to be made, however, as we operate in the context of workforce limitations, financial constraints and the legacy of the pandemic. Our aspirations can only be achieved by working together. We are very grateful to all who participated in the extensive engagement that has taken place in bringing together this strategy and trust that the feedback solicited is evident in the document."

Together We Care
Read about our Together We Care strategy.
View or download our NHS Highland Together We Care Strategy 2022-2027 (pdf, September 2022).