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Together We Care

NHS Highland's 5 year strategy 2022-2027.

Together We Care - with you, for you

Cùram Còmhla - leatsa, dhutsa

During 2022 we engaged with you, our workforce, to understand what you think we should prioritise for health and care delivery over the next five years. We also asked our partners, communities and wider population what they felt was important. We have had a great response from over 1700 people and an additional 45 informative sessio​​ns with our community groups and partners.

Thank you, to all of you who contributed and engaged with us! Your input allowed us to identify key areas that you felt we should prioritise. We have turned these into ambitions and have created our Board-wide strategy: Together We Care, with you, for you.

To ensure we stay on track with the implementation of the strategy we have also written an Annual Delivery Plan (ADP) which outlines goals and aims for each year, covering all areas of the strategy. We are looking forward to working on our ADPs to achieve the ambitions that you have said are most important to the future of health and care in NHS Highland.​

View or download our NHS Highland Together We Care Strategy 2022-2027 (September 2022) as a pdf document. This document is available in other languages and formats. To request another version:


Watch a video presentation about the strategy from members of the management team, recorded from a live session presented on 20 July 2023.

Together We Care Strategy 2022-2027 - cover

Last updated: 13 March 2025

Next review date: 29 March 2027