NHS Highland funding and budgets
April 2024: The Scottish Government budget announcement in December 2023 presents challenges across the public sector.
The pressures of inflation, increasing need for services, pay, and other factors such as energy costs, are not matched by the funding provided.
Our planned forecast deficit for 2024-25 is £112.5 million: approximately 14% of our core allocation. Any deficit must be filled by brokerage (borrowing) from Scottish Government. Brokerage must be repaid, and has been capped at £28.4m for the year, leaving a £84.091m (circa 10%) reduction in spend needed. We need to take urgent action to meet this gap.
NHS Highland has provided Scottish Government with a financial plan that highlights the actions that would need to be taken to deliver this £84.091m through a combination of cost improvements and reductions.
We are developing our workstreams as part of our 3% efficiency improvements, which are a part of our ongoing cost improvement plans delivered year on year, under the headings of:
- whole system workstreams
- operational workstreams
- corporate workstreams
- digital workstreams
We will share more about these as they develop.
The remainder of the reductions will be made through a mixture of actions that will support the longer term sustainability of our services and the potential for service reductions which will require difficult decisions by both the Health Board and Scottish Government.
See also
Featured publications and public records
Together We Care
NHS Highland's 5 year strategy 2022-2027.
Annual accounts - Highland Health Board
The directors' report and audited financial statements. Also the Endowment Fund.
Board annual reviews
The performance of all NHS boards is reviewed by the Scottish Government Health Department at annual reviews.
Equality and diversity
NHS Highland’s view of equality is about what we can do to create a fairer society.
Director of Public Health annual reports
The Annual Reports of the Director of Public Health (DPH).
Public health profiles
Public health partnership profile reports are available for nine community partnerships in Highland local authority a...
Public holidays
Public holiday dates 2025-26 for NHS Highland.
Website and social media
Including the website privacy policy, information on cookies, social media guidelines and terms for using the website.
Publications and public records
About NHS Highland
Our population and people
Statistics on the population we serve, and our workforce.
Highland Health and Social Care Partnership
Highland Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) follows a lead agency model.
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) includes social care services and all health services, incl...
NHS Highland Board
NHS Highland is managed by a Board made up of Non-Executive and designated Executive Directors.
Board and committee meetings
The Board and Governance Committees provide accountability and governance over decision making and performance.
Board and committee appointments
Vacancies currently available for positions on the NHS Highland Board or committees, or on the Argyll and Bute Integr...
Service redesign
Service change and hospital upgrades in the Highland area.