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Public health profiles

Public health partnership profile reports are available for nine community partnerships in Highland local authority and four community planning groups in Argyll and Bute local authority.

These partnership areas are the focus of action to improve the health of the people and communities in the area covered by NHS Highland Health Board.

About the reports

The profile reports present information across a range of health and wellbeing topics. They are designed to support staff and partners make decisions and plans to improve population health and reduce inequalities.

Data are organised into themed profiles:

If you require further information or you have any queries, please contact the Public Health Intelligence team:


Public Health Intelligence - Partnership Profiles - map

About the reports

The profile reports present information across a range of health and wellbeing topics. They are designed to support staff and partners make decisions and plans to improve population health and reduce inequalities.

Data are organised into themed profiles:

If you require further information or you have any queries, please contact the Public Health Intelligence team:


Demography and deprivation

The demography and deprivation profile reports provide an overview of current and future population structure in each partnership. They also provide information about population dynamics, the geography, and the life circumstances of people living in each area.

Adult health and wellbeing

The adult health and wellbeing profile reports present an overview of indicators relevant to the health of adults and older people in each partnership. The information presented covers a range of topics relating to health status (morbidity and mortality) and health harms across the life course.

Children and young people’s health and wellbeing

The children and young people’s health and wellbeing profile reports present an overview of indicators relevant to the health of children and young people in each partnership. The information presented covers a range of themes relating to babies, children and young people’s health from pre-birth to young adulthood.

Last updated: 6 March 2025

Next review date: 23 February 2026