Highland HSCP publications
On this page
Recent publications from Highland Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) including the Strategic Plan for Adult Services 2024-2027 and Annual Performance Reports.
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Integration scheme
The Highland Partnership of NHS Highland and the Highland Council is committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for our population and service users. We believe that services should be person-centred and enabling, should anticipate and prevent need as well as react to it, should be evidence based and acknowledge risk.
Strategic Plan for Adult Services 2024-2027
This is the strategic plan for the delivery of integrated health and adult social care services in the region covered by the Highland Health and Social Care Partnership.
View or download the Highland HSCP Strategic Plan for Adult Services 2024-2027 (pdf, January 2024).
Read the associated equality impact assessment (pdf, June 2023).
The video below provides an outline of the plan.
Annual Performance Reports
Report on the performance of integrated health and social care provision. The report provides us with the opportunity to celebrate our achievements, share our challenges and reflect on our future delivery of health, social care and wellbeing services, together.
Highland Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)
Highland Health and Social Care Partnership
Highland Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) follows a lead agency model.
Highland HSCP manager contacts
Chief Officers, Heads of Services, Area Managers and District Managers for the Highland Health and Social Care Partne...
Highland HSCP publications
Recent publications from Highland Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) including the Strategic Plan for Adult Se...
Single Points Of Access (SPOA) for community health services
Single points of access in each district in the Highland HSCP area for integrated teams within community health servi...
Highland Health and Social Care Committee meetings
Meeting dates and documents from the Highland Health and Social Care Committee.
About NHS Highland
Our population and people
Statistics on the population we serve, and our workforce.
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) includes social care services and all health services, incl...
NHS Highland Board
NHS Highland is managed by a Board made up of Non-Executive and designated Executive Directors.
Board and committee meetings
The Board and Governance Committees provide accountability and governance over decision making and performance.
Board and committee appointments
Vacancies currently available for positions on the NHS Highland Board or committees, or on the Argyll and Bute Integr...
Publications and public records
NHS Highland is required to publish certain information in the public domain.
Service redesign
Service change and hospital upgrades in the Highland area.