Joint Strategic Commissioning Strategy 2022-2025
The Health and Social Care Partnership is responsible for the planning and delivery of health and social care services for adults and children in Argyll and Bute.
The first Joint Strategic Commissioning Strategy (JSCS) was approved by the Integration Joint Board on 30 March 2022.
View or download the Argyll & Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Joint Strategic Commissioning Strategy 2022-2025 (pdf).
About the strategy
The JSCS outlines the HSCP approach on how services are planned and delivered, and how and what is provided internally and purchased externally.
Strategic commissioning in the adult and children and young people health and social care context relates to all of the activities involved in assessing and forecasting need, linking investment to agreed outcomes, identifying and considering options, planning the nature, range and quality of future services and working in partnership to put these in place.
The JSCS sets out the strategic objectives, priorities, commissioning intentions (pdf) and key market messages and is in line with the policy from Scottish Government and where appropriate references the proposals for the new National Care Service. A key aspect of our collaborative partnership approach within this commissioning strategy is that the HSCP as commissioner will work closely with providers, supported people, carers and their internal colleagues to facilitate and encourage the flourishing of a sustainable, effective range of providers and types of support in an area.
These objectives have been developed through engagement with partners, staff and the public. The strategy has been developed using the best practice guide from the Scottish Government applying the four steps of the Commissioning Cycle; Analyse, Plan, Deliver and Review. The delivery and review steps will be undertaken by each strategic group once the strategy is enacted. This will feed into further refining and developing our Commissioning Strategy over the three year period.
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)
Integration Joint Board
The Integration Joint Board (IJB) is the Governance Board of the Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership.
Argyll and Bute HSCP publications
Recent publications from Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).
About NHS Highland
Our population and people
Statistics on the population we serve, and our workforce.
Highland Health and Social Care Partnership
Highland Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) follows a lead agency model.
NHS Highland Board
NHS Highland is managed by a Board made up of Non-Executive and designated Executive Directors.
Board and committee meetings
The Board and Governance Committees provide accountability and governance over decision making and performance.
Board and committee appointments
Vacancies currently available for positions on the NHS Highland Board or committees, or on the Argyll and Bute Integr...
Publications and public records
NHS Highland is required to publish certain information in the public domain.
Service redesign
Service change and hospital upgrades in the Highland area.