Argyll and Bute HSCP Joint Strategic Plan 2022-2025
On this page
People in Argyll and Bute will lead longer, healthier, independent lives.
View the Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Joint Strategic Plan 2022-2025 (pdf).

Progress of the plan (video)
Fiona Davies, Argyll and Bute HSCP Chief Officer, reviews progress of the Joint Strategic Plan (April 2023).
Appendices to the Joint Strategic Plan
See also the associated Equality Impact Assessment - Approval of the Joint Strategic Plan (2022-2025) (pdf, May 2022).
- Appendix 1 Housing Contribution Statement
- Appendix 2 JSNA and Population Profile References
- Appendix 3 HSCP Profile 2020-21
- Appendix 4 List Profiles 2020-21
- Appendix 5 Bute Locality Profile
- Appendix 6 Cowal Locality Profile
- Appendix 7 Helensburgh and Lomond Locality Profile
- Appendix 8 Mid-Argyll Locality Profile
- Appendix 9 Kintyre Locality Profile
- Appendix 10 Islay, Jura and Colonsay Locality Profile
- Appendix 11 Oban and Lorn Locality Profile
- Appendix 12 Mull, Iona, Coll and Tiree Locality Profile
- Appendix 13 Strategic Performance Monitoring
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)
Integration Joint Board
The Integration Joint Board (IJB) is the Governance Board of the Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership.
Argyll and Bute HSCP publications
Recent publications from Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).
About NHS Highland
Our population and people
Statistics on the population we serve, and our workforce.
Highland Health and Social Care Partnership
Highland Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) follows a lead agency model.
NHS Highland Board
NHS Highland is managed by a Board made up of Non-Executive and designated Executive Directors.
Board and committee meetings
The Board and Governance Committees provide accountability and governance over decision making and performance.
Board and committee appointments
Vacancies currently available for positions on the NHS Highland Board or committees, or on the Argyll and Bute Integr...
Publications and public records
NHS Highland is required to publish certain information in the public domain.
Service redesign
Service change and hospital upgrades in the Highland area.