Sexual health
On this page
Sexual health clinics at hospitals and GP practices, STI testing, PrEP for HIV, education, contraception and external resources.
For the Highland HSCP area see also Highland Sexual Health.
What we provide
- contraception, including emergency contraception - emergency contraception in tablet form is available free of charge from most community pharmacies
- free condoms by post
- contraceptive implants and coils
- testing and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) for everyone
- HIV testing and treatment including post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV
- pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV (PrEP)
- pregnancy testing and referral for termination of pregnancy
- general information and advice regarding sexual health and contraception
- gender identity service
- menopause management (GP referral required)
Free condoms by post
Condoms can prevent HIV, sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies.
We have a wide range of condoms available, find out what type suits you and make sure you have the right fit.
Complete the form below to order free condoms and/or lube - these will be delivered in plain packaging to your chosen address. A range of condoms is available.
This is a free and confidential service and we only ask for your name and address in order to process your order. Personal details will not be kept on record beyond 3 months.
For Highland residents
Highland - order condoms by postFor Argyll and Bute residents
Argyll and Bute - order condoms by post
Sexual health clinics
Sexual health clinics run throughout the NHS Highland area and provide a free, confidential, one-stop service for all. Our clinic nurses and doctors are specially trained in sexual health and contraception. Their aim is to help everyone in a friendly, non-judgemental and sensitive way.
See our listing of sexual health clinics.
Who should attend?
We are happy to see people who have symptoms or just want a check-up for sexually transmitted infections. Please note that most tests are not sensitive enough to pick up an infection as soon as you have caught it, so if you are worried about a particular sexual contact you must wait for at least 10 days after that contact before being testing for infection.
Sexual health services at GP practices
GP practices are able to provide routine contraception, tests and treatment for common sexually transmitted infections and cervical smear tests. Many GPs also provide coils, implants and able to supply free condoms.
In the Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership area, there are several GP practices that provide more specialised services and are available to anyone:
- Campbeltown Medical Practice - sexual health clinic
- Lochgilphead Medical Centre - sexual health clinic
- Lorn Medical Centre (Oban) - sexual health clinic
You do not need to be registered with these practices to get an appointment. Practitioners at these services will have a special interest and training in this area of work.
Unintended pregnancy
Women with an unplanned pregnancy who wish advice about considering abortion may seek help from their GP, Highland Sexual Health (Highland HSCP area only) or may self-refer to the Social Gynaecology service:
- phone 01463 705667
It is best to seek help as soon as is practical, as the staff within the Social Gynaecology clinic would like to see you early in your pregnancy - as soon as six weeks since your last period. If you are experiencing delays in discussing your situation, it may be best to use this self-referral service.
HIV testing and PrEP
HIV testing is available at all sexual health clinics and is free of charge.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
In April 2017, the Scottish Government approved the provision of free PrEP to specific people at highest risk of HIV acquisition. This is now available within all Scottish sexual health clinics. PrEP, together with other preventative measures such as condom use, regular testing and universal HIV treatment, could bring about the biggest ever reduction in new HIV infections.
PrEP is for specific groups who are at greatest risk of HIV and involves taking medication, which for most people will be taking a pill everyday. If you are HIV negative, over 16 years of age and have certain risk factors, you are likely to benefit from taking PrEP.
For example, if you have had:
- a recent rectal STI
- had unprotected anal sex with more than 2 partners in the last 12 months
If you would like to discuss PrEP with one of our team please use the contact details on this page to arrange a telephone consultation. This is to ensure that you meet the necessary criteria and that you have no underlying health conditions that would make PrEP unsuitable for you. If appropriate, we will arrange an appointment for testing and supply of PrEP.
Important: HIV PrEP at NHS inform
You can get HIV PrEP for free from NHS Scotland sexual health services.
HIV PrEP at NHS informRelationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) education
For information about relationships, sexual health and parenthood, we would advise the use of the RSHP Resource website which provides a comprehensive set of learning activities for use in early learning settings, primary and secondary schools, ASN settings, colleges and in community-based learning. The resource is structured in line with Curriculum for Excellence Levels.
The RSHP resource has been developed by a partnership of local authorities and health boards, with advice from Education Scotland and the Scottish Government.
Important: Contraception
The NHS Inform website provides a wealth of information on the various forms of contraception including how to use it, where to obtain it from and what types are available. There is also information on methods of contraception and how it may help heavy or painful periods.
NHS Inform - ContraceptionHealthy sexual relationships
Healthy sexual relationships are an important and fulfilling part of life for most of us. Find out how to be happy and stay safe.
What can we say? Everyone is different. Every sexual relationship is different.
There is no one-size-fits-all for healthy sexual relationships but we hope that whoever you are and whatever floats your boat, you can find information on this site that will help you and your partner(s) be happy and safe.
Do take your time to roam around and look for whatever interests you. If we’re not providing information you think you need, please let us know and we’ll try to find it for you.
Remember, these pages are for you and people like you, but they’re for people who aren’t the slightest bit like you as well.
Some parts of this page may not be your particular cup of tea, but our aim is that each piece of information on this page will be of importance to someone in the Highlands.
More resources
- Sexual Health Scotland - not sure if you need a test, where to get one, or want to test your knowledge of sexually transmitted infections or contraception? The Sexual Health Scotland website contains all you need to know.
- British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) - a charity which offers information and choices on unplanned pregnancy.
- Family Planning Association (FPA) - the UK's leading sexual health charity. Their purpose is to enable people in the UK to make informed choices about sex and to enjoy sexual health.
- Herpes Virus Association - helping you with herpes on the genitals or on the face called "cold sores".
- A great website for young people in Highland is Wave Highland, including local services and a whole range of information.
- Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service (SARCS)
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