Drug and alcohol recovery
On this page
Recovery from drug and alcohol use is an everyday reality in thousands of lives.
Many pathways to recovery exist, and recovered people are part of the solution. The aim and focus of all our work is recovery.
There are community drug and alcohol teams across NHS Highland, based in a wide variety of settings including GP practices, community hospitals, the local Council, and a range of satellite settings. They provide support, advice and treatment to individuals living with drug or alcohol issues.
Find out about services in Highland and in Argyll and Bute.
See also support groups and helplines for:
Important: Support for people affected by alcohol
If you are worried about your own or someone else's drinking there are lots of organisations available to help.
Read about alcohol support at NHS informImportant: Support for people affected by drugs
Pharmacies, drug services and mental health services can provide support for people affected by drugs. GPs can also give advice.
Read about support for people affected by drugs, at NHS informHOPE app
The Highland Overdose Prevention and Engagement (HOPE) app is a source of information for people who use drugs or alcohol problematically, as well as for their families or friends. It helps prevent overdose and encourages engagement with services that can help.
The HOPE app is free to download, and is available for Android devices and for Apple devices.

Drug and alcohol recovery
Drug and alcohol recovery
Recovery from drug and alcohol use is an everyday reality in thousands of lives.
Drug and alcohol recovery - Argyll and Bute
The Argyll and Bute Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service (DARS), and Argyll and Bute Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (ADP).
Drug and alcohol recovery - Highland
The Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service provides a number of services across the Highland area.
Alcohol and drug recovery
Support organisations for alcohol and drug recovery.