Health and Wellbeing
Health resources from NHS Highland, NHS inform and Public Health Scotland.
Important: NHS Inform
NHS Inform provides a single source of quality assured information about health conditions. NHS Inform can help to put you in touch with support groups and organisations, as well as offering up to the minute news and events. You can also call them on 0800 22 44 88
visit NHS InformHealth promotion
Health promotion is the process of enabling people to exert control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health.
Public Health Scotland publishes information and resources to support health improvement practitioners and organisations working to improve Scotland's health and reduce inequalities.
Patient empowers everyone to take charge of their health. Their trusted clinical information, written and reviewed by an extensive network of doctors and healthcare professionals, helps people to feel better and live longer.
Living Well in Argyll and Bute publishes information (including resources and publications) on health improvement work taking place in communities.