What we do

We provide physical and mental health services across the Highland and Argyll and Bute Council areas. In Highland, we also provide adult social care.

We deliver our services at hospitals, clinics, community facilities and in people’s homes - either in-person or online.

NHS Highland staff group

Know Who To Turn To

Get the treatment you need - it can sometimes be hard to know what to do if you're unwell:

  • For help from a GP – use your GP surgery's website, use an online service or app, or call the surgery.
  • For urgent medical help – use the NHS 111 online service, or call 111 if you're unable to get help online.
  • For life-threatening emergencies – call 999 for an ambulance.

If you're advised to go to hospital, it's important to go.

signpost to help, support, advice, guidance
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Near Me

Near Me is a confidential and secure service which allows you to attend your pre-arranged appointment using a video call, rather than attending in person. 

Near Me
A map of the Loch Linnhe area of the West Highlands of Scotland

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Search here for services closest to your postcode.

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Where BSL information is published on this website and elsewhere.

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Latest news

Wade Centre receives 'very good' inspection report


NHS Highland is delighted that the Wade Centre care home in Kingussie recently received a very positive inspection report. The Care Inspectorate rated the Centre as 'very good' at supporting people's wellbeing and for its staff team.

Raigmore water supply update


Since Friday 21 February a number of actions have taken place to reduce any residual risk to patients and staff following potential risk of contamination, from the removal of redundant water pipes, of the hot water supply in the tower block of Raigmore Hospital.

Update - Legionella detected in water supply at Campbeltown Hospital - safety measures implemented


Recent routine water sampling at Campbeltown Hospital has detected the presence of Legionella bacteria in the water supply. In response to this discovery, a comprehensive set of health and safety measures has been implemented to mitigate any potential risks.

Water supply at Campbeltown Dental Department and Hospital


During routine maintenance, it was identified that there is a potential risk of contamination to the water supply within Campbeltown Hospital and Campbeltown Hospital Dental Service.

Water supply at Raigmore Hospital


During routine maintenance it has been identified that there has been a potential risk of contamination to the hot water supply in the tower block of Raigmore Hospital.

Adult Support and Protection Day 2025


Residents across Highland are being asked to be alert to vulnerable adults in their communities who are susceptible to financial harm.

Recent publications

Duty of Candour annual report 2023-24

Director of Public Health Annual Report 2024 - Health Inequalities

2025-26 public holidays for NHS Highland staff.

Strategic plan for the delivery of integrated health and adult social care services in the Highland Health and Social Care Partnership.

Public health profiles - health and wellbeing reports for each community planning partnership in Highland and Argyll and Bute local authority areas.

During 2022 we engaged with our workforce to understand what they thought we should prioritise for health and care delivery over the five years to 2027. We also asked our partners, communities and wider population what they felt was important. We have turned these into ambitions and have created NHS Highland's 5 year strategy 2022-2027 - Together We Care.

Together We Care Strategy 2022-2027 - cover